Learn BJJ — one of the fastest growing martial arts in the world.

Training classes

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) training for adults.
BJJ is not only an extremely interesting and exciting activity, but also a great tool for self-improvement, both physically and mentally.

Morning Class

Monday, Wednesday 7:00

A great way to start the day. Regardless of your level of experience, the morning group provides an opportunity to develop your skills in a positive training environment.

Training in the morning group will help develop fighting technique, physical fitness and help prepare for the challenges of the day.

Evening Class

Tuesday, Thursday 19:00

One of the most common testimonials about training is — the opportunity to completely disconnect from everyday worries and emotional tension for an hour and a half and concentrate on physical training.

In the evening group there is a dynamic and motivating atmosphere in which each participant can develop their skills and achieve new goals together with the club members.

Accept the Challenge,
Start Training!

Starting something new can be challenging, and starting to train a new martial art can feel intimidating and daunting. One of our goals in creating Riga Grappling Club was to change this perception. We aim to provide an environment where starting your martial arts journey is accessible, safe, welcoming, and engaging for everyone.

How Do I Join?

You are welcome to try any of our groups regardless of previous experience. Choose a group, contact us and come to try for free.

Workout process

Training process

Morning workouts last 70-80 minutes, while evening sessions run for 90-110 minutes. Each session starts with a brief warm-up, followed by technique drills and concludes with sparring. The length and intensity of each segment can vary based on the training cycle.

It’s important to note that sparring isn’t about full-strength fights or winning but mostly focuses on specific positions and tasks designed to enhance both your skills and those of your partner.

Etiquette of behavior

  • The workout begins and ends with lining up by rank (belt color and number of stripes on the belt) and bowing.
  • Students sort out their clothes and belts, stand in a good posture.
  • During the demonstration of the technique, full attention is paid to the coach.
  • Personal hygiene — clean gi (kimono), clean body, trimmed nails, slippers outside the tatami.
  • No cursing.


Choose the type of subscription that suits you best.

One Group
Choose this subscription if you want to train in one of the training groups.
Unlimited attendance
Choose this subscription if you want to train in several groups, such as a morning and BJJ group and a judo group.

Why Choose Jiu Jitsu?

Growth for the body
and to the mind

Martial training is a good way to get stronger, develop flexibility, agility, endurance. The struggle is also psychologically challenging, forcing one to overcome fear and develop character. It is not for nothing that Brazilian jiu-jitsu is called martial sports chess.

New contacts

This is a special bond that is formed on the combat mat, significantly expanding the circle of contacts and friends. In addition, it is also belonging to an international, informal community. BJJ is an extremely popular sport all over the world and it is a common practice when traveling to visit BJJ fight clubs.

A good alternative to a gym

Combat training, similar to the gym, gives you the opportunity to get stronger, feel and look better, but at the same time learn a new skill - the ability to fight.
In addition, we have access to a power corner with a weightlifting bar, weight balls and other equipment.

Safe Martial

While all contact sports carry some risks, BJJ and grappling are among the safest full-contact combat sports because they don't involve striking, reducing the risk of severe injuries.


We work purposefully to make beginners in our hall feel welcome and find themselves in an environment where there is a pleasant atmosphere.

Modern and
Clean Facilities

We’ve put great effort into making our facilities comfortable, clean, and inviting — from mat to the locker rooms and showers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need special equipment?

To train gi BJJ you do need a gi (kimono) but not for your first training session.

What to take with you to the first workout?

Shorts, t-shirt, slippers, water, towel, shower accessories. Read our blog article How to Prepare for Your First BJJ Workout.

Are there age restrictions?

You can start training at any age. Riga Grapling Club offers adult groups without age restrictions.

I'm not in a good shape right now, can I train?

Yes, of course! This is one of the most common myths, which we strongly disagree with.